Dragems 维基

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Zhu Que Endgame

XP(經驗值): 12475
Lvl 5 :


Boss: No260
Property(屬性) Pets(寵物) Name(名稱) HP ATK(攻擊) CD(回合) Def(防禦) Drop(掉落)
Common Monsters Data(小怪資料)
Fire 161i Fire Spirit(☆) 15 378 1 1000 161i
Fire 171i Fire Spirit Lord(☆☆☆☆☆) 18 9999 5 60000 171i
Fire 239i Red Rabbit(☆☆) ? 3375 2 ? 239i
Fire 240i Gunpowder Rabbit(☆☆☆) ? 5375 4 340 239i
Fire 249i Fox(☆☆☆) ? 4069 3 75 249i
Fire 249i Fox(☆☆☆) ? 1587 4 ? 249i
Lvl 5
Fire 250i Werefox(☆☆☆☆) ? 5069 3 1024 249i
Fire 250i Werefox(☆☆☆☆) ? 5069 3 1024 249i
Fire 250i Werefox(☆☆☆☆) ? 5069 3 1024 249i
Fire 260i God Beast-Zhu Que(☆☆☆☆☆☆) 303784 9358 1 154 259i

Temple of Zhu Que

Temple lv is a bit harder since the boss attk is high and cd = 1,so u can use : 1: x4 attk team : this team can kill boss in 2-3 turns or even 1 turn if your attk is high .So to provide 100% past the quest u need a pets with increase enemy skill turn (Lina,Niagara). 2: -50% fire dmg + healer team :With -50% dmg the boss still does 2986 dmg to you,so u need a high rec healer (Aurora is the best choice) that can heal at least 2500 per turn.If u have a Lina in team that would be good .


Lvl 5 :


Boss: No260

Property(屬性) Pets(寵物) Name(名稱) HP ATK(攻擊) CD(回合) Def(防禦) Drop(掉落)
Fire 161i Fire Spirit(☆) 15 378 1 1000 161i
Fire 166i High Fire Spirit(☆☆☆) 15 2650 8 40000 166i
Fire 239i Red Rabbit(☆☆) ? 1274 3 ? 239i
Fire 249i Fox(☆☆☆) ? 1587 4 ? 249i
Lvl 5
Fire 250i Werefox(☆☆☆☆) ? 4069 2 ? 249i
Fire 250i Werefox(☆☆☆☆) ? 4069 2 ? 249i
Fire 260i God Beast-Zhu Que(☆☆☆☆☆☆) ? 5973 1 ? 259i

House of Zhu Que

Basically beginner quest is easy so u can just use and leader x2 dmg and ally with x2 dmg to past the quest.

Property(屬性) Pets(寵物) Name(名稱) HP ATK(攻擊) CD(回合) Def(防禦) Drop(掉落)
Common Monsters Data(小怪資料)
Fire 161i Fire Spirit(☆) 15 378 1 1000 161i
Fire 239i Red Rabbit(☆☆) ? ? 2 ? 239i
Fire 249i Fox(☆☆☆) ? ? 3 ? 249i
Fire 260i God Beast-Zhu Que(☆☆☆☆☆☆) ? ? 1 ? 259i

Trial Quest

099i Hot Weapon(灼熱武器 )

101i Frostbrand Weapon(寒冰武器 )

103i Feral Weapon(野性武器 )

105i Blessed Weapon(神聖武器 )

109i Fallen Weapon(墮落武器 )

142i Dragon ages:Fire(遠古的炎龍 )

143i Dragon ages:Water (遠古的冰龍 )

144i Dragon ages:Nature(遠古的樹龍 )

145i Dragon ages:Light (遠古的光龍 )

146i Dragon ages:Dark (遠古的暗龍 )

276i Magma Dragon Attack(火山上飛翔的巨龍 )

277i Winged Sea Wurm (海面上飛翔的巨龍 )

278i Winged Mountain Dragon(深山裏飛翔的巨龍 )

279i Lofty Winged Dragon (天空中飛翔的巨龍 )

280i Infernal Winged Dragon(地獄中遨遊的巨龍 )

260i Zhu Que Falls(朱雀降臨 )

262i Xuan Wu Falls (玄武降臨 )

264i Qing Long Falls(青龍降臨 )

266i Bai Hu Falls (白虎降臨 )

268i Kylin Attacks(麒麟降臨 )

302i Hybrid Beast

304i Sea Mount Crisis

306i Warrior's Maze(迷宮中的勇士 )

308i Demigod Empress(半神女帝 )

310i Pit Fiend(來自地獄的野獸 )

211i Fire Fantasy(None Rec Orbs)

212i Water Fantasy(None Rec Orbs)

213i Nature Fantasy(None Rec Orbs)

214i Light Fantasy(None Rec Orbs)

215i Dark Fantasy(None Rec Orbs)

322i The Queen's Palace

324i The Sea Dragon

326i In the Company of the Queen

328i The Sacred Unicorn

330i The Evil Princess
