Dragems 维基

Quest Characteristic

Gem1 Gem2 Gem3 Gem4 Gem5 Gem6

Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Cycle 4 Cycle 5 Cycle 6
Tower of the Element Giants Tower Altar of the High Lord Tomb of Saints Lost Canyon Dark Temple
Gauntlet of Dark Tomb of Corruption Castle of Midnight The Flowers Tower Abandoned Temples Bright Temple
Gauntlet of Light Shrine of Light Temple of Justice Tower of the Polar Light Mountain Top Natural sanctuary
Gauntlet of Nature Druid Grove Forest of Confusion Tower of the Light Great Falls Frost Temple
Gauntlet of Water Carvern of Misama Seabed Grotto Volcano Fire Shrine
Gauntlet of Fire Canyon of Flames Searing Desert
First Foray

Main Page

Property(属性) Pets(宠物) Name(名称) HP ATK(攻击) CD(回合) Def(防御) Drop(掉落)
Common Monsters Data(小怪资料)
Nature 040i Meadow Elf(☆) 160 59 3 4 040i
Nature 050i Jade Wizard(☆) 260 97 2 6 050i
Nature 060i Jade Goblin(☆) 380 148 4 6 060i
Nature 157i Earth Elemental(☆☆) 258 95 3 0 157i
Nature 152i Dragon seed(☆☆) 200 50 2 3 152i

Forest Elf



Property(属性) Pets(宠物) Name(名称) HP ATK(攻击) CD(回合) Def(防御) Drop(掉落)
Water 041i Forest Elf(☆☆) 3500 110 3 10 041i

Jade Orc



Property(属性) Pets(宠物) Name(名称) HP ATK(攻击) CD(回合) Def(防御) Drop(掉落)
Nature 082i Jade Orc(☆☆☆) 3900 215 4 36 082i

Natural Force Dragon



Property(属性) Pets(宠物) Name(名称) HP ATK(攻击) CD(回合) Def(防御) Drop(掉落)
Nature 011i Hyper Dragon(☆☆☆☆) 5800 224 5 20 009i

Back to last quest(上一战场) Go to next quest(下一战场)

007i Gauntlet of Water

015i Gauntlet of Light

Gem Quest

293i Shadow Dragon King(魅影龙王的领地 )

292i Holy Dragon King(圣光龙王的领地 )

291i Sacred Grove Dragon King(神木龙王的领地 )

290i Crystal Dragon King(水晶龙王的领地 )

289i Lava Dragon King(熔岩龙王的领地 )

238i Dark Temple(黑暗神殿 )

236i Bright Temple(光明神殿 )

234i Natural sanctuary(丛林避难所 )

232i Frost Temple(大冰窖 )

230i Fire Shrine(火焰神殿 )

141i Lost Canyon(失落峡谷 )

139i Abandoned Temples(废弃神殿 )

137i Mountain Top(巨峰之巅 )

135i Great Falls(瀑布之底 )

133i Volcano(火山之口 )

130i Tomb of Saints(圣徒墓地 )

117i The Flowers Tower(森罗万象 )

115i Tower of the Polar Light(阴冷之暗 )

113i Tower of the Light(火光之明 )

111i Altar of the High Lord(领主祭坛 )

020i Castle of Midnight(邪恶古堡 )

016i Temple of Justice(正义神庙 )

012i Forest of Confusion(迷乱森林 )

008i Seabed Grotto(海底洞穴 )

004i Searing Desert(灼热沙漠 )

107i Giants Tower(巨人之塔 )

035i Tomb of Corruption(腐败墓地 )

032i Shrine of Light(圣光神殿 )

029i Druid Grove(危险丛林 )

026i Cavern of Miasma(冰冷溶洞 )

023i Canyon of Flames(烈焰峡谷 )

106i Tower of the Element(元素之塔 )

019i Gauntlet of Dark(黑暗的试炼 )

015i Gauntlet of Light(圣光的试炼 )

011i Gauntlet of Nature(森林的试炼 )

007i Gauntlet of Water(寒冰的试炼 )

003i Gauntlet of Fire(火焰的试炼 )

082i First Foray(冒险的起点)
