Dragems 维基

Mainpagephoto Description:

Dragems is an iOS game developed by Tapcloud Interactive.Eliminating gems to fight.
Dragems是Tapcloud Interactive開發的iOS遊戲,玩法使用消除寶石的形式進行戰鬥的RPG養成遊戲.

Contact to Tapcloud Interactive

Dragems FB:Click here

Fans FB:Click here

Gem Quest

293i Shadow Dragon King(魅影龍王的領地 )

292i Holy Dragon King(聖光龍王的領地 )

291i Sacred Grove Dragon King(神木龍王的領地 )

290i Crystal Dragon King(水晶龍王的領地 )

289i Lava Dragon King(熔岩龍王的領地 )

238i Dark Temple(黑暗神殿 )

236i Bright Temple(光明神殿 )

234i Natural sanctuary(叢林避難所 )

232i Frost Temple(大冰窖 )

230i Fire Shrine(火焰神殿 )

141i Lost Canyon(失落峽谷 )

139i Abandoned Temples(廢棄神殿 )

137i Mountain Top(巨峰之巔 )

135i Great Falls(瀑布之底 )

133i Volcano(火山之口 )

130i Tomb of Saints(聖徒墓地 )

117i The Flowers Tower(森羅萬象 )

115i Tower of the Polar Light(陰冷之暗 )

113i Tower of the Light(火光之明 )

111i Altar of the High Lord(領主祭壇 )

020i Castle of Midnight(邪惡古堡 )

016i Temple of Justice(正義神廟 )

012i Forest of Confusion(迷亂森林 )

008i Seabed Grotto(海底洞穴 )

004i Searing Desert(灼熱沙漠 )

107i Giants Tower(巨人之塔 )

035i Tomb of Corruption(腐敗墓地 )

032i Shrine of Light(聖光神殿 )

029i Druid Grove(危險叢林 )

026i Cavern of Miasma(冰冷溶洞 )

023i Canyon of Flames(烈焰峽谷 )

106i Tower of the Element(元素之塔 )

019i Gauntlet of Dark(黑暗的試煉 )

015i Gauntlet of Light(聖光的試煉 )

011i Gauntlet of Nature(森林的試煉 )

007i Gauntlet of Water(寒冰的試煉 )

003i Gauntlet of Fire(火焰的試煉 )

082i First Foray(冒險的起點)

Weekly Quest

147i Defensors of Guardian(TUE)(聖殿守護神 )

172i Spirit Rebellion (WED)(精靈的暴亂 )

154i Garden of Dragons(THU)(龍的後花園 )

158i War of Elementals(FRI)(元素的叛亂 )

?i Gold Adventure (SAT/SUN)(黃金盜賊之家(三色寶珠) )

Special Quest

181i Capture Gold Dragon(捕捉黃金龍!! )

178i Capture Metal Dragon(捕捉金屬龍!! )

189i The Vengeful Goddess Comes(邪惡女神降臨 )

187i The Zeus Quest

188i Infinite Challenge(無盡的挑戰 )

299i Slime lair(史萊姆之家 )

111i The Halloween's Party(萬聖節派對 )

228i Nightmare Santa(聖誕夜驚魂 )

288i Gift of Cupid(愛神的饋贈 )

Trial Quest

099i Hot Weapon(灼熱武器 )

101i Frostbrand Weapon(寒冰武器 )

103i Feral Weapon(野性武器 )

105i Blessed Weapon(神聖武器 )

109i Fallen Weapon(墮落武器 )

142i Dragon ages:Fire(遠古的炎龍 )

143i Dragon ages:Water (遠古的冰龍 )

144i Dragon ages:Nature(遠古的樹龍 )

145i Dragon ages:Light (遠古的光龍 )

146i Dragon ages:Dark (遠古的暗龍 )

276i Magma Dragon Attack(火山上飛翔的巨龍 )

277i Winged Sea Wurm (海面上飛翔的巨龍 )

278i Winged Mountain Dragon(深山裏飛翔的巨龍 )

279i Lofty Winged Dragon (天空中飛翔的巨龍 )

280i Infernal Winged Dragon(地獄中遨遊的巨龍 )

260i Zhu Que Falls(朱雀降臨 )

262i Xuan Wu Falls (玄武降臨 )

264i Qing Long Falls(青龍降臨 )

266i Bai Hu Falls (白虎降臨 )

268i Kylin Attacks(麒麟降臨 )

302i Hybrid Beast

304i Sea Mount Crisis

306i Warrior's Maze(迷宮中的勇士 )

308i Demigod Empress(半神女帝 )

310i Pit Fiend(來自地獄的野獸 )

211i Fire Fantasy(None Rec Orbs)

212i Water Fantasy(None Rec Orbs)

213i Nature Fantasy(None Rec Orbs)

214i Light Fantasy(None Rec Orbs)

215i Dark Fantasy(None Rec Orbs)

322i The Queen's Palace

324i The Sea Dragon

326i In the Company of the Queen

328i The Sacred Unicorn

330i The Evil Princess


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恩..如果有資料有錯誤可以在Fans fb:Click here 提出來一起討論,或是在該頁面留言


If there are any wrong data,please tell me,Click here

Mail: siuol129@yahoo.com.tw

Welcome to add me. My ID:100003826

Editor:chi.cheng,Ferng Chao Hsien,Jeff Krengel ,Jacky Chai Loke Seng,田中小雄,Celine Tam , Mugle0105

Trials Quest Time

This time list is for English version "Dragems",not the chinese version"智龍迷城"

Start End Trial Quest
05/18 21:00 05/18 23:00

181i Capture Gold Dragon

05/20 21:00 05/20 23:00

178i Capture Metal Dragon

Every SUN or MON 02:00 Every SUN or MON 14:00

189i The vengeful goddess comes

02/23 14:00 08/22 14:00

187i Infinite Challenge

05/14 14:00 05/20 14:00

145i Dragon ages:Light

05/17 14:00 05/20 14:00

280i Infernal Winged Dragon

05/15 14:00 05/18 14:00

324i The Sea Dragon

※(GMT+8) time

Events or Rewards

To celebrate the 5 month anniversary of dragems's grand lauch and as a thank you to all our players,the daily login bonus from 3/4/2013 to 3/11/2013 will be 2 free Magic Stones.


Game Info





智力 / 轉珠RPG 


English (英語)


Tapcloud Interactive
Requirements (系統要求): iOS 4.3 or later.




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